Kim & Alex's Spring Engagement at Preto Loft
While it’s so nice to finally be thawing out from our harsh winters, spring can be a strange time in toronto
Sometimes there’s a full blown blizzard with more snow than you’ve seen all winter, sometimes it’s so sunny and mild you’re like “what seasonal depression?!”, and more often than not it is wet, it is muddy, and it is cool in the morning and then you’re sweating in all of your layers by mid-day. It is truly a strange time which is why scheduling a photoshoot in spring is so difficult! Our workaround for this: shooting at a studio! They’re weatherproof options where we can go no matter if it’s raining, if it’s there a blizzard, or if it is actually nice out but the ground is just mud so it wouldn’t be pleasant to be in anyways.
And that’s exactly what happened with Kim & Alex’s engagement session! Though their wedding isn’t until fall they wanted to shoot sooner rather than later so they could include a photo or two with their save the date cards. When we started planning there was more winter than spring like weather, and it was too inconsistent to know for certain what it would be like come their shoot day. When we were looking up possible studio locations one that came to mind was Preto Loft. They also happened to be creating a new temporary install in one of their rooms that we were all really interested in, so we booked it!
The only slot available for this was first thing in the morning but I really don’t think you can tell since Kim & Alex were so alert and cute hanging out amongst the fake spring foliage. It was a lovely and cozy morning to spend together and really makes us excited for the warmer weather to come!